
Students wearing Saint Paul school uniforms for Grades Kinder to 5, showcasing a neat and formal design Group of young students dressed in Saint Paul school uniforms for Grades Kinder to 5
For students in grades Pre-K to 5:
Students are expected to wear the school uniform every day. They may choose to wear either the white shirt with a tie, or the red polo shirt. Every morning, the teacher will document students who are not in a proper uniform. Students may not wear t-shirts or unofficial school items as a uniform. Due to the fact that elementary students are not entirely responsible for their uniforms, students are given 4 “free days” per semester, on which they will be excused for not having their uniforms. After the fourth incident of not having a uniform, the parent will be asked to come to school to deliver the correct uniform. The correct PE uniform is the white polo shirt with maroon shorts. Students have a “PE uniform” and shorts that accompany it. Students should bring their PE uniforms to school each day for playing sports and other physical activities.
Teenage students wearing Saint Paul school uniforms for Grades 6 to 12, featuring a polished and mature style Students in Saint Paul school uniforms for Grades 6 to 12, posing with confident smiles in a classroom setting
For students in grades 6-12:
On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, students must wear their full formal uniform, which is the khaki pants (for boys or girls) or skirt (for girls), the white shirt, the tie (for boys), and the collar (for girls). On Tuesdays and Thursdays, students are allowed to wear their red polo shirts instead of the white button-down with tie. Students may not wear unofficial school items as part of the uniform. The correct PE uniform is the white polo shirt with maroon shorts. Students have a “PE uniform” and shorts that accompany it. Students should bring their PE uniforms to school each day for playing sports and other physical activities. Due to SPAS’s multicultural environment, students must be sensitive to the beliefs of others, including ways of dress associated with other cultures and religions. The school reserves the right to determine what acceptable dress is. Inappropriate clothing includes, but is not limited to; low cut or cropped tops which expose the midriff, shorts and skirts shorter than 12 cm above the knee, clothing bearing messages or logos relating to alcohol, drugs, sex, and gang-related clothing. Caps, hats, and hoods may not be worn in school. Students are also not allowed to wear an additional article, such as a non-uniform sweater, over their SPAS uniform in the school building. Tattoos and piercings are prohibited. Boy’s pants must be belted at their waist (above their hips).
When students are not in the SPAS uniforms or on the dormitory, the following policies apply:
• A student shall dress and behave in a manner that does not distract or detract from the educational process or result in damage to school facilities. Dress and personal grooming should be clean and should conform to health standards.
• Students deemed by the school administration to be dressed inappropriately will be required to change into acceptable clothing or leave school for that day. Students may not wear shorts that are less than 6 inches from the knee, at any time outside the dormitory. Any absences due to inappropriate dress are considered unexcused. Repeated violations of this policy may lead to disciplinary action.
Student Behavior and Dress
Students at St. Paul American School are required to wear a clean and complete school uniform at all times, unless they are involved in an activity that requires them to change. They must change back to the uniform immediately following the activity.
Students are prohibited from wearing articles of clothing that vaguely resemble the official uniform as a substitution. While SPAS will never prevent students from purchasing items closely matching our uniform from outside, SPAS reserves the right to determine whether such clothing adequately resembles the appearance of the official uniform.
  • • Boys may not wear earrings or visible jewelry with their uniforms. No other piercings are allowed.
  • • Girls may wear one earring on each ear. No other piercings are allowed.
  • • Hair-styles must be conservative in nature & natural colors and may not include non-natural coloring that is extreme.
  • • Tattoos are prohibited. If a student does have a tattoo, it must be covered at all times by clothing, no matter the location.
  • • They are given a cardigan sweater and this is what they need to use if they are cold.
  • • Ties must be worn properly and must be fully fastened on the neck.
  • • If a student loses a piece of the uniform, a replacement must be purchased so that the student can continue complying with the uniform policy.